A recent study notes some of the newer trends regarding "trust" in the media, including the following:
"News sources:
- Almost three-quarters of people (72%) said they followed the news closely every day, with national TV (82%) and national or regional newspapers (75%) the most trusted news outlets, according to the poll.
- Online news sources were the first choice among 19% of 18-24 year-olds, compared to just 3% of those aged 55-64.
- Some 77% prefer to check several news sources rather than simply rely on one, a habit particularly evident online.
- Blogs:
- Blogs are among the online sources that people are consulting, although few place ultimate trust in their content: 25% said they trusted blogs, with almost the same number (23%) distrusting them.
- Just 3% of all respondents said blogs were their main news source. The only exception to this trend was in South Korea (17%), where online news is highly popular.
- Younger web brands were also shown to have won significant public trust: Google (30%), Yahoo! (28%) and Microsoft/MSN (27%).
Here's to ever-growing freedoms worlwide and more and more individuals expressing their views via the internet.
Amen, Brother.