While the GOP faithful paid out big bucks at a fundraiser for Rep. David Davis at the Bristol Motor Speedway yesterday, protesters braved the soaring temperatures to tell Rep. Davis his vote against tougher sentencing on dogfighting was a terrible move.
The always entertaining writing of DeMarCaTionVille features the event and story in the Kingsport press. Wonder if other news agencies in the 1st District will pick up the story that has been dogging Davis?
The Editor says Rep. Davis has been nipping at her heels over the dogfighting No vote he made as well. They called her this week after tracking her blog. Davis' legislative director, Richard Vaughn, says he is eager to talk about the problem.
DeMarCaTionVille also has a hilarious bit from Jay Leno from last Friday, as Jay tears into the Johnson City minister busted for .... well, being pretty dang naughty in public.
And yes oh yes, if you are not reading DeMarCaTionVille yet - my advice is to start and make it a regular stopping place on your web travels. I sure have!
UPDATE: Michael Silence posts another news report on the protest:
"It should have been a vote against dogfighting and making it more of a felony instead of a misdemeanor,“ said Greeneville veterinarian Vickie Howell, one of the protesters. "It’s kind of a black eye for the state of Tennessee and the 1st District."
UPDATE II: Another newspaper, this one from Oak Ridge, also chastises Rep. Davis:
"The Upstate’s freshman congressman has distinguished himself as a proponent of the status quo."