Friday, February 19, 2010

Forward, Into The Past!

Here's a quote for all the posturing and proclaiming which seems to emerge endlessly from the Conservative/Tea Party/anti-Obama crowd.

"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul." -- Mark Twain

It's a concept they need to learn and live. And what are the current gatherings of Conservatives clinging to in lieu of a policy of action?

- Do not participate in any effort to reform the problems of health care.

- Stall all legislation, lie and mislead on all ideas. Take funding from the 2009 Stimulus package while demonizing it's very existence.

- Claim failure as a victory.

- Cling to the celebrity of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

So often, these groups claim they want to "take America back" -- the question is, how far back in Time do they wish to take us?


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I think we all want to go back to when we were 6 years old. The world was a simpler place. A scoop of ice cream was all we needed. These are the emotions that Glenn Beck tries to resuscitate in us-the warm fuzzys
    when a scoop of ice cream from grandma meant everything. Obviously Glenn is a white male whose grandma had ice cream in the freezer and if she didn't he could go to the local drugstore counter and order one up. Aah the good old days when chains were removed but human souls were still contained.

  2. Thanks for the comment Anon -

    i would have to add that the age you offer, 6, may yet still be too mature for Beckinsians - the word i immediately think of is infantile.
    and the only possible noble motive for his "career" is pure greed. all others are almost too horrifying to imagine.
    and lastly, the other tragedy are those millions of folks willing to wallow in their personal despairs and yet are never even aware of the very despair they suffer.

  3. Thanks for your comments Eric, but I have to say the cry of "socialist" used to be hurled about often by my father, back in the 1960s, when he claimed America had turned "Socialist" with the creation of Social Security, Medicare and other national programs.

    And do not forget it was the Bush administration and the Republican led Congress who pushed the national debt to 9.8 trillion, a 71% increase, and he extended the debt ceiling 7 times during his tenure.

    Bad governing knows no one party exclusively and to claim so is a mistake in my opinion. Still, to simply stall legislative actions or call for return to the disastrous Republican policies of the Bush years will bring only more mistakes.

    As for the Tea Party factions, anger seems to be their only mode of discourse.

  4. and Eric, the TNDP website says you are not affiliated with their organization in any way. i smell troll.

  5. OXYMORON6:50 PM

    Truman, correct me if I am wrong, proposed a national health care plan and moved to desegeragate the Army.
    Troll I reckon. Eric must have studied history from a Texas text book.
