Wednesday, April 19, 2006

More Use Internet For Decisions

A new study notes the huge increase in people who make "important" life decisions by use of the internet, thanks to the wider availability of broadband internet access. (I just love phrases like "life decisions" and what that may or may not be.)

The study notes:

Specifically, we found that over the three-year period, internet use grew by:

  • 54% in the number of adults who said the internet played a major role as they helped another person cope with a major illness. And the number of those who said the internet played a major role as they coped themselves with a major illness increased 40%.
  • 50% in the number who said the internet played a major role as they pursued more training for their careers.
  • 45% in the number who said the internet played a major role as they made major investment or financial decisions.
  • 43% in the number who said the internet played a major role when they looked for a new place to live.
  • 42% in the number who said the internet played a major role as they decided about a school or a college for themselves or their children.
  • 23% in the number who said the internet played a major role when they bought a car.
  • 14% in the number who said the internet played a major role as they switched jobs.

  • If nothing else, working online sure beats paying nearly 3 bucks a gallon for gas to drive around paying bills, and while years ago I could almost always be found at a library reading and researching, it is much easier to use the Web and have any and all kinds of libraries here on my desktop.

    Also the White House has been using Open Source Web hunts and blogs and finds the intelligence vastly rewarding. So much so that the President now has daily blog and internet briefings. I'm all in favor of adding to the intelligence (pun intended) for government. With so much info and attitudes of national and international minds available on the Web, it makes little sense to start spreading around secret and illegal spying and searches. The new government office on Web research is paying off in spades. (hat-tip to Newscoma for this story.)

    Given this fact, I wonder how long it will be before we have a Presidential Blog Secretary to work with the Press Secretary?

    And in a marginally related story, I didn't really need the results of a sicentific study indicating that most men are so distracted by the sight of a pretty lady that they end up making bad decisions. But a study was made and yep, it's true. Truth be told, I prefer the "distractions" to tasks and decision-making, as most any acquaintance of mine will tell you.


    1. And hey! The internet found me a husband.. let's hear it for

    2. It's good to see such important scientific work beign done. Perhaps next they'll do a study to test whether gravity causes things to fall to the ground.

    3. I use the Internets to buy my Sex Robots!
