Thursday, September 25, 2008

TN's 1st District Gets A Candiates Debate

I had to post this ASAP. I certainly can't recall any such event taking place in my lifetime in East Tennessee -- a debate between the candidates for 1st District Congressman. It's an actual debate, not a forum or a Q and A town hall meeting.

Democrat Rob Russell sent out the following email this evening:

It's really going to happen: for the first time in anyone's memory, the Democratic, Republican, and Independent candidates for the US House will participate in an organized debate!
The League of Women Voters' US House Candidates' forum will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 7th at the Niswonger Performing Arts Center in Greeneville, TN starting at 7 pm.
WETS-FM's Wayne Winkler is scheduled to moderate, and questions will come from the League as well as audience members.
Please make plans to attend -- we need to show folks that Democrats in East Tennessee can do more than just vote against candidates: they can support candidates, as well!
Campaigning Full-Time in October:
Starting Oct. 6th (the day before the historic debate in Greeneville!), campaigning will be my full-time job, and I hope all of you will help me keep my schedule full. Here are some ways you can help:
1. If you there is an event, festival, meeting or gathering in your community where I can meet folks and distribute information about the campaign, email us and let us know about it!

2. Volunteer to hand out campaign cards, stickers, etc., at local events. We will send you a full "campaign kit" -- just tell us where you are going and how many pieces you think you'll need.
3. Create an event in your town or county -- it could be a backyard bbq or a rally -- to help raise money and spread the word. For instance, Jason Howze from Unicoi County is organizing a "Concert for Rob" in Johnson City on Oct. 10th at Capone's; others, such as Frank in Kingsport and Kevin in Johnson City, are having informal "meet and greet" parties at their homes on Oct. 2 and 9, respectively. If you have an idea for an event, email me.
Thanks again for all of your time, energy, and encouragment. To contribute to the campaign, go to
Rob Russell
Democratic Nominee, TN-1

I'm impressed. It is not just the Democrat and Republican, but an Independent candidate too?

I do know that for the first time in my life, this important office isn't being handed off to the next local insider, another pre-selected candidate from the Republican party which has held total control of this district for over 100 years.

Kudos to all involved in making this project happen.

Residents who seek a representative who is offering much more than the same old routine will surely want to give Rob a listen. With our area and our nation under some glaring lights of economic reality, a wise voter will seek out his take on how to best serve the 1st District and help end the ineffective leadership of the past.

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