Bestowing meaning to today's vote in the Republican vote in the Iowa caucus is like pondering the meaning of what Punxsutawney Phil chooses to do on Groundhog Day.
Roughly four-hundredths of one percent of the American population
participates in the vote in Iowa - mighty small numbers easily out-manned by the reporters and campaign-spinners who urgently seek ... something to report or spin about Republicans other than a Joke of the Day. Still, an election does have to start somewhere, though the winner of the GOP Iowa caucus in 2008 was Mike Huckabee and his effort tanked shortly after.
Republicans have nothing to gain by taking the presidency in 2012. They want to run Congress, and heap blame on President Obama for every ill in the world. It's like running a "long con".
"8) Who has the best working comprehension of America?
Adams, America's second president, said, "I must study politics and war
that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy."
Up next: the Kardashian Family investigates health care while shopping. Ah, Republican politics, the comedy gift that keeps on giving.